Prayer for Israel
ICEJ UK is committed to calling the people of God to prayer for Israel, for our nation, for our churches and for revival!

Gordon & Karen Beattie are our prayer co-ordinators and represent the UK branch during the Isaiah 62 Global Prayer Gathering each Wednesday, and lead our team of intercessors each Rosh Chodesh.
Rosh Chodesh is a global 24/7 prayer initiative to encourage believers from across the world to pray for the Jewish people, the nation of Israel and their own nation. This is a wonderful opportunity to come together from across the UK via zoom, for both Israel & the UK.
We encourage you to join in the weekly prayer times as this will deepen your understanding of the current issues in Israel & the UK and to have the opportunity to pray into these situations.
We have been blessed to co-ordinate these prayer times over the past 4 years and have seen many answers to prayer through the building up of the UK prayer team who have been faithful and committed.
Thank you, Gordon & Karen
Pray along with us:
UK Watch: Monday at 8pm and Wednesday at 8am
Northern Ireland Watch: Sunday and Monday at 5pm
Click the button to find out more and sign up.
Isaiah 62 Global Prayer Gathering
The Global Prayer Gathering is held every day at the moment as we uphold Israel following the traumatic events of 7th October and the ongoing war. Join the ICEJ leadership and respected Christian pastors and ministry leaders from Israel and worldwide at 2pm UK time, for updates, biblical insights, worship and prayer.