Since October 7th it has been so encouraging to see many of you joining the daily Global Prayer Gathering and the Rosh Chodesh Prayer times. It is so important and strategic to fulfil our calling as watchmen as in Isaiah 62:

‘I have set watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem;
They shall never hold their peace day or night.
You who [make mention of the Lord, do not keep silent,
 And give Him no rest till He establishes
And till He makes Jerusalem a praise in the earth.’

We are praying:

  • for a spiritual awakening within Israel and for many to find Yeshua as their Messiah.
  • for safety, wisdom and strategies for the soldiers – their protection and the witness of the messianic soldiers.
  • for the hostages – that they may be found and returned home.
  • for the families of the hostages and those who lost loved ones on Oct 7th.
  • for the families of the 600 soldiers who have lost their lives fighting for the defence of Israel.
  • for all suffering trauma at this time, that they will be comforted physically and spiritually through God’s grace.
  • for the Government of Israel – that they will make strategic godly decisions and they will not be swayed by outside opinion.

There are so many prayers that we can bring but these are the constant requests, as the situation on the ground regarding Gaza, Northern border, Judea & Samaria changes daily.

Psalm 68:1
Let God arise, Let His enemies be scattered;
Let those also who hate Him flee before Him.’

We would at this time ask for prayers for the ICEJ UK:

There are many forthcoming events planned in the UK and we covet your prayers:

  • Southampton Conference – 18th May
  • Billinge Conference – 1st June
  • Edinburgh Conference – 20th July   
  • London Conference – 7th September     

Please pray for the speakers and worship teams, and that attendees will be many.  In Edinburgh pray that many new contacts will be made in the Jewish and Christian communities as it is our first conference in Scotland.

With regard to prayer for the worship teams we do covet prayer for Lis Goodall, wife of Steve who heads up the UK Worship Band SISU.  Lis has been ill with kidney failure and is now struggling with potential heart failure.  Please pray that the Doctors can put a recovery plan together as they look forward to their daughter, Lydia, getting married this summer.

We also seek you prayers with regard to a memorial event planned for September in Lincoln.  Plans have been in place since January but since then we have all seen the rise of antisemitism on our streets, campuses and a great divide is taking place in many public arenas.  It is becoming difficult for this event to go ahead as planned so please pray that the enemy will not sway those who are in positions of secular authority to come against the plans put in place.

Being pro-Israel is causing major divisions and has become the new form of cancel culture. We need to pray that the UK will unearth the lies within the media, schools, colleges and that the enemy will overplay his hand.  What Israel is defending is the right to be a democratic nation, and we need to pray that our nation will not succumb to the Islamist threat to our democracy. 

There are many challenges being made to the UK team at this time and we would ask that you keep them all in your prayers as they battle spiritually, both personally and in ministry.

Isaiah 53:4-5
‘Surely He has borne our griefs
And carried our sorrows;
Yet we esteemed Him stricken,
Smitten by God, and afflicted.
But He was wounded for our transgressions,
He was bruised for our iniquities;
The chastisement for our peace was upon Him,
And by His stripes we are healed.’

Thank you for your faithfulness.  Do join us each Monday at 8pm (note on the 2nd & 4th Monday we pray from 7-9pm) and every Wednesday morning at 8am.

Blessings as you continue to be God’s watchmen for Israel and the UK.

Gordon & Karen
Prayer Coordinators