Afternoon with Pastor Shaleem Shalash – Northern Ireland
27.7.2024 14:30
27.7.2024 18:00
Carryduff Community Church, Edgar Avenue, Carryduff, Belfast BT8 8DQ
Saleem Shalash is an Arab Pastor who is the Senior Pastor & Founder of Home of Jesus the King Church located in Nazareth. He is much involved with ICEJ in Jerusalem and is an international speaker.
Registration of £10 is required for the Conference on arrival by cash/cheque or online at NatWest Bank.
Sort code: 60 17 32
Account number: 10529403.
To register don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at admin@icejireland.org, call 07846.599967 or use the form below.
There will be a tea/coffee break at 4 pm and we anticipate finishing at 6 pm.