22.6.2023 20:00
22.6.2023 21:00


Jerusalem Dispatch flyer with photo of Adam Levick

Join ICEJ UK and Simon Barrett from Revelation TV for Jerusalem Dispatch Live

THURSDAY 22nd June – 8pm

Confronting Media Bias Against Israel

With special guest Adam Levick co-editor of CAMERA-UK

Formerly ‘UK Media Watch and BBC Watch’, CAMERA-UK is the UK division of the US based Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting and Analysis, dedicated to promoting fair, accurate and balanced coverage of Israel in the British media.

Join the webinar to find out more about the vital work of CAMERA-UK and how they pro-actively challenge inaccurate, misleading and often inflammatory characterisations of Israel. Their proven methods of engaging with journalists and editors have garnered dozens of substantive corrections each year.

Followed by Q&A.