Date - 8.1.2025Brian Silvester, Director of the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem, Northern Ireland Branch, welcomed The Lord Lieutenant of Belfast, Dame Fionnula Mary Jay O’Boyle to the Belfast Synagogue. He went on to welcome everyone in attendance including the speakers for the Commemoration:
Emma Little-Pengelly, Deputy First Minister of Northern Ireland, The Very Right Reverend
Dr Ivan Patterson, former Moderator of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland, Rabbi David Kale, Belfast Jewish Community and Steven Jaffe, Co-Chair, Northern Ireland Friends of Israel. Brian also welcomed Suart Neale to lead the singing and David Curry as guest soloist.
Rabbi David Kale thanked Brian Silvester for hosting the event and expressed his appreciation to the Ministry of the International Christian Embassy for organising the Commemoration.
Rabbi Kale stated that on 7 October 2023 over 1200 people were killed, 815 of which were civilians, 750 were wounded and 251 taken hostage. The Rabbi went on to remind everyone that 101 hostages were still unaccounted for.
Rabbi Kale told the story of Roy Aserak who, along with his wife and brother attended the Super Nova Festival. They arrived two hours late, due to a failure in Roy’s alarm, and soon became aware of the Hamas attack. While making his escape Roy noticed a man sleeping in his car unaware of the danger. Roy wakened him, being reminded of the iconic quote “He who saves one life saves the world”, and later discovered that this man went on to help save over 20 people from the massacre. Roy, his wife and his brother escaped despite bullets being fired continually into their car as they fled, not knowing where they were going. When Roy arrived home his daughters hardly recognised him due to the trauma he had endured.
Rabbi Kale asked everyone to keep the hostages in their prayers and then asked everyone to stand as he read the prayer prepared by Chief Rabbi of the UK, Sir Ephraim Mirvis.
Steven Jaffe began by reflecting on earlier events in the Belfast Synagogue to celebrate his Bar Mitzvah and wedding celebrations and how he never could have imagined himself standing in the same Synagogue to commemorate the atrocities of 7 October. He referred to the events of Kristallnacht in November 1938 when over 90 Jews were murdered and over 250 Synagogues were destroyed in Germany and Austria. What began as a sporadic persecution of the Jews was moving to a systematic and state-sponsored persecution on a scale that the world had never seen. In the 1920’s Adolf Hitler had written in his book “Mein Kamph” stating what he would do, and he did it.
Stephen asked the question – So what has changed? Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis and Iran have all declared what they will do to the Jewish people and they have actioned it. They, like Hitler, have stated their intentions and have followed through, yet no one is talking about it! The Governments know, the media know, the BBC know, Sky News know, but no one is talking about it.
In the City of Belfast on 7 October this year some leapt unto social media to declare victory to the resistance. The emblems of the resistance were projected unto the walls of the Belfast City Hall. At a gathering a few days later there were explicit calls for Israel’s destruction. The spike of anti-semitism which began on 8 October has spread across the world.
Steven paid tribute to the public representatives present at the meeting for the stand that they had taken in hostile arenas. He also thanked all who have supported Israel on social media and encouraged them to continue. Steven concluded by declaring “Am Israel Chai” – The People of Israel Live, leaving the words of Deuteronomy 31 verse 6 as an encouragement to everyone.
The Very Right Reverend Dr Ivan Patterson referred to the horrific atrocities of 7 October 2023 when people were rounded up as sheep and led to be slaughtered. Many losing their lives, others taken as hostage and families plunged into despair. He expressed his horror and disbelief that any person or group could commit such evil, and it was pure evil. As the state of war continues Dr Patterson hoped that negotiations for the release of the hostages would continue and that they would not be forgotten.
Dr Patterson said that a man who had survived the super Nova Festival atrocities was asked how he felt now and how he saw his future. He replied “I kind of understand I will never be the person I was before 7 October and I’m trying to figure out who I will be now.” Dr Patterson went on to say that the future is uncertain in the Middle East and wondered what the implications would be for the rest of the world. On behalf of everyone present he assured the Belfast Jewish Community that our hearts and our prayers would go out to all who have suffered over the past year. To all those who have lost loved ones and the hostages. To all the innocent, in Gaza, Lebanon or wherever, who are caught up with the spiral of death and destruction.
Dr Patterson prayed that peacemakers would be raised up and that dialogue would be established between leaders, that cycles of hatred and revenge would be broken, the grieving would be comforted and the wounded healed and that the future would be marked with dignity, mercy, justice, peace and love. Dr Patterson hoped and prayed that diplomacy will enable all parties to figure out who they are now and what will bring peace. In closing Dr Patterson read from Psalm 122 which reminded everyone to pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
Emma Little-Pengelly, Deputy First Minister of Northern Ireland expressed her deepest condolences to the hundreds of families who have been bereaved through the unimaginable atrocity of 7 October 2023. This attack was the bloodiest day for the Jewish people since the Shoah. She said that her thoughts and prayers were with the survivors who carry the physical and mental scars of their ordeal for the rest of their lives. The Deputy First Minister remembered those still grappling with the heartbreaking reality of not having their loved ones returned dead or alive and expressed her solidarity. No words can convey the depth of the pain caused by this atrocity. The scale and nature of the attack was nothing short of barbaric.
The Deputy First Ministry stated that the October 7 attack was a deliberate calculated assault not just on the nation of Israel but on the very principles of democracy and human dignity. She went on to state that all hostages held in Gaza must be released immediately and returned unconditionally. The Deputy First Minister declared that Israel has a legitimate right to defend itself, adding that no country should have to live under the shadow of terror or the constant threat of violence and the international community should be unequivocal about that. No country would tolerate the forced eviction of thousands of their citizens from their homes because of daily violent attacks. Yet this is what some people expect Israel to do.
The Deputy First Ministry called on the UK Government to stand shoulder to shoulder with what is right, to step up and support Israel. She prayed for an end to the violence and a swift return of peace to the Middle East, above all praying for justice, for without justice there can be no lasting peace. The Deputy First Minister assured the Belfast Jewish Community that with each step of the way ahead, they do not stand alone.
Rabbi David Kale prayed for all those who lost their lives on 7 October and for all those who had lost their lives since.
The Commemoration closed with the singing of Hatikvah.